The General School offers a wide range of classes for children who want to take dance for exercise, coordination, discipline and fun. In this program, the student will achieve an understanding and appreciation of the art form. The intensity of training is low with students meeting only for an hour once or twice a week. Students train for the exercise and the joy of performing but not for a professional career. Students prepare for the annual recital showing the routine they learned in class. Classes are grouped by age and skill level.
The Performance Program is patterned after a young performing company. The youngest students train as the junior members and they advance into junior apprentice, apprentice and company status. They represent the school at competitions and dance festivals, nationally and internationally. The training intensity is high and excellent attendance with a strong commitment is required to remain in the program. Students enroll for a set number of hours for technique and rehearsal classes. The number of classes per week varies and is dependent on their level or status. Placement in the program is by audition.

The Pre-Professional Ballet Division prepares students for a professional future in ballet. Acceptance to this program is by audition. Students must be at least age 9 with 2 years of experience and show a readiness with an open mind for the division's intense training. The program accepts students possessing physical attributes that are generally considered requisite for professional accomplishments in classical ballet. The students are accepted on a trial basis throughout the year and are evaluated by technical development, talent, and artistic merit. Students have the opportunity but are not required to compete as soloists in prestigious ballet competitions in the world. Students training in the Professional Ballet Division automatically become members of the Performance Program.
The Pre-Professional Contemporary Division will prepare dancers interested in pursuing contemporary dance
professionally. To invest in their next steps through education and research within the field. To diversify
their skill sets in all genres of contemporary dance.